Block Scheduling
Benefits of Block Scheduling | Contacts | FAQs
Your first registration may seem a little complicated because you want to be sure you choose the right courses to move forward to graduation. Block scheduling creates blocks of classes based on your major, test scores and other relevant information. Blocks are further designated as either "STEM" (science, technology and math) blocks or "non-STEM" blocks. Only incoming, full-time freshmen or transfer students with twelve or fewer transfer credits are eligible. View more information about frequently asked questions and important contacts for block scheduling.
Benefits of Block Scheduling
- Simplifies the registration process
- Ensures you are taking the right courses in the correct order for your academic program
- Offers the best opportunity to register for a full-time schedule that works for you
- Creates opportunities to find study partners and make new friends among the students in your block
Important Contacts
Academic Advising for Schools
Email questions regarding your block schedule or a course within your block schedule to the academic advisor for your school.
- School of Business: sbaadvising@ggc.edu
- School of Education: soeadvising@ggc.edu
- School of Health Sciences: shsadvising@ggc.edu
- School of Liberal Arts: slaadvising@ggc.edu
- School of Science and Technology: sstadvising@ggc.ed
Other Related Contacts
Will I be able to choose days, times or instructors for my classes?
Yes, you will have an opportunity to indicate preferences for the blocks you wish to take.
How can I view my block schedule?
To view your block schedule:
- Log on to Grizzly Den within Banner by entering your student ID and password.
- Click "Student" tab.
- Select "Register for Courses."
- Choose "Student Detail Schedule" and entry term.
What is the breakdown of a block schedule?
Each block schedule contains four to five different courses, totaling twelve to fourteen hours of course credits. Most, but not all, block schedules follow either a Monday-Wednesday-Friday (MWF) or a Tuesday-Thursday (TR) pattern.
The block schedule pictured is an example from an email sent to a new freshman requiring a student success math class. In block "LSM09871" there are four courses: Foundations for Quantitative Reasoning (MATH 0987), English Composition I (ENGL 1101), Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 1102) and Art Appreciation (ARTS1100).

Where do the courses come from?
Block scheduling includes the areas listed below based on your program of study.
- Area A (Essential Skills)
- Area B (Institutional Option)
- Area C (Humanities/Fine Arts)
- Area D (Natural Sciences)
- Area E (Social Sciences)
- Additional Requirements (Physical Education)
Select the appropriate program plan sheet for your major for more information.
Using the same example block as the previous question (LSM09871), ENGL 1101 comes from Area A, PSYC 1102 comes from Area E and ARTS 1100 comes from Area C. MATH 0987 is a student success class.
How can I access program plans?
Select the appropriate program plan sheet for your major for more information.
Where can I view course names and descriptions?
Find course names and descriptions under course listings in the GGC Catalog.
Why are some majors listed as pre-majors?
Some majors require acceptance into the program. The pre-major status allows you to work on program requirements before applying to the program. Enrollment in some programs is restricted, and admission is competitive. Admission to Georgia Gwinnett College does not guarantee admission to certain academic programs.
What if I want to change my major, and when can I do so?
There are two opportunities to change your major after registering for a block schedule. At Grizzly Orientation, you may update your major and register for a different block schedule. After Grizzly Orientation, you may complete a Change of Major (login required) online form.
What if I do not want to be a full-time student at Georgia Gwinnett College?
You will have the opportunity to be advised and register for courses at Grizzly Orientation.
Can I change my block schedule?
If you change your block schedule, you may not get the classes you need to stay on track for full-time status and/or graduation. If you have AP credit for a course in your block schedule, please email the advising contact for your major listed under important contacts. You may only change your block schedule at or after Grizzly Orientation and should only do so if you:
- Want to add an additional course to your block schedule
- Already have credit for a course in your registered block schedule
- Change your status from full- to part-time student
- Change your major
How is advanced placement (AP) credit treated?
Joint enrollment credit will be taken into consideration when you are sent your block schedule choices. Advanced placement credit will not be considered until official scores are received by Georgia Gwinnett College. Once advanced placement scores are confirmed, you will have the opportunity to meet with an advisor and make changes to your block schedule.
What if I have a request for accommodations that might affect my schedule?
If you have disability as described by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, you may be eligible to receive accommodations to assist in programmatic and physical accessibility. For documentation requirements and for additional information, please contact Disability Services.
What is my next step?
Attend Grizzly Orientation. Look for an email from Admissions with a link to sign up for orientation. Should you not receive one, please contact Admissions.