Cengiz Gunay
Dr. Cengiz Gunay
Associate Professor of Information Technology
Dr. Cengiz Gunay is a self-taught computer programmer. Born in Turkey, he completed a bachelor's degree with an electronics and telecommunications focus, while also training in software engineering and open source software. After moving to the U.S. for graduate school, he switched to computer science and specialized in artificial intelligence and neural networks. After this, he pursued postdoctoral research in computational neuroscience, which is the study of the brain using computers. Gunay's webpage at the Prinz Lab details his research and teaching experience. Also see his software development projects page for past students projects and events.
- Doctorate – computer science – University of Louisiana at Lafayette
- Master's – computer science – University of Louisiana at Lafayette
- Bachelor's – electrical engineering – Istanbul Technical University
Academic Interests
- Software engineering
- Digital media/games
- Artificial intelligence/machine learning
- Computational neuroscience
- Data science
Selected Publications in Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Artificial/Computational Intelligence
- Hyo Yul Byun, James J. Lu, Helen S. Mayberg, Cengiz Günay (2014). “Classification of Resting State fMRI Datasets Using Dynamic Network Clusters” Workshop on Modern Artificial Intelligence for Health Analytics. Papers Presented at the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Technical Report WS-14-08, pp. 2–6. AAAI Press, Palo Alto, CA
- Cengiz Günay, JR Edgerton, S Li, T Sangrey, AA Prinz and D Jaeger (2009). “Database Analysis of Simulated and Recorded Electrophysiological Datasets with PANDORA’s Toolbox.” Neuroinformatics, 7(2): 93-111
- Cengiz Günay, Astrid A. Prinz (2009). “Finding sensors for homeostasis of biological neuronal networks using artificial neural networks,” Proc. 2009 Intl Joint Conf. Neural Nets (IJCNN), pp. 1025-1032
- Cengiz Günay and Anthony S. Maida (2006a). “A stochastic population approach to the problem of stable recruitment hierarchies in spiking neural networks.” Biological Cybernetics, 94(1): 33–45
- Cengiz Günay and Anthony S. Maida (2006b). “Using temporal binding for hierarchical recruitment of conjunctive concepts over delayed lines.” Neurocomputing, 69(4–6): 317–367
Selected Publications in Computational Neuroscience
- A Wenning, BJ Norris, Cengiz Günay, D Kueh, RL Calabrese (2018). “Output variability across animals and levels in a motor system.” eLife 2018;7:e31123 doi: 10.7554/eLife.31123
- Cengiz Günay, FH Sieling, L Dharmar, W-H Lin, V Wolfram, R Marley, RA Baines, AA Prinz (2015). “Distal spike initiation zone location estimation by morphological simulation of ionic current filtering demonstrated in a novel model of an identified Drosophila motoneuron.” PLoS Comp Bio. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004189
- Cengiz Günay (2015). “Neuronal Model Databases.” In Jaeger D and Jung R (Eds) Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, Vol. 1, pp. 1–6, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7320-6_165-1, Springer
- Verena Wolfram, Tony Southall, Cengiz Günay, Astrid Prinz, Andrea Brand, and Richard Baines (2014). "The transcription factors Islet and Lim3 combinatorially regulate ion channel gene expression." J Neurosci, 34(7): 2538–2543; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4511-13.2014, http://www.jneurosci.org/content/34/7/2538.short
- W-H Lin, Cengiz Günay, R Marley, AA Prinz, RA Baines (2012). Activity-dependent alternative splicing increases persistent sodium current and promotes seizure. J Neurosci 32(21): 7267–77
- JR Edgerton, J Hanson, Cengiz Günay, and D Jaeger (2010). "Dendritic sodium channels regulate network integration in globus pallidus neurons: A modeling study" J Neurosci. 30(45):15146–59
- Cengiz Günay, Astrid A. Prinz (2010). “Model calcium sensors for network homeostasis: Sensor and readout parameter analysis from a database of model neuronal networks.” J Neurosci. 30: 1686–98
- Cengiz Günay, Jeremy R. Edgerton, and Dieter Jaeger (2008). “Channel density distributions explain dynamical variability between neurons: using a combined physiology and computer simulation database approach.” J Neurosci. 28(30): 7476-7491
Theses and Book Chapters
- Joachim Diederich, Cengiz Günay, Jim Hogan (2010). Recruitment Learning. Studies in Computational Intelligence Series, Springer. Oct, 2010
- Cengiz Günay (2003). “Hierarchical learning of conjunctive concepts in spiking neural networks.” Ph.D. Dissertation under the supervision of Dr. Anthony S. Maida, Center for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Lafayette, LA 70504-4330, U.S.A.
- Cengiz Günay (1998). “Symbolic analysis of electronic circuits.” Undergraduate thesis. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ahmet Dervisoglu. Electrical and Electronics Department, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
Academic Honors
- Teaching grant from Emory University Center for Faculty Development and Excellence for honoraria, 2015
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Epilepsy Foundation of America, 2011
- Leadership Award, Office of Postdoctoral Education, Emory University School of Medicine, 2011
- University Doctoral Fellowship, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2000
Service, Membership and Honors
- Tutorial co-organizer, annual Computational Neuroscience Conference (OCNS), 2012–2014
- Co-organizer, Society for Neuroscience Turkish Chapter Satellite Workshop, 2009–2011
- Chair, Emory University Postdoctoral Association Executive Committee, 2009–2014
- Co-chair, Emory University International Postdoctoral Fellows Association
- Local organizing committee, Southeast Nerve Net (SENN) conference, 2009
- Local organizing committee, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
- Member, Society for Neuroscience, 2004–Present
- Workshop co-organizer, Comp. Neurosci. conf. on Electrophysiology Databases and their Analysis, 2007
- Member, Technical Selection Committee for high-performance computing cluster at Emory University, 2006
- Secretary, President of local IEEE student chapter at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2002–2003
- President, Student Computer Club at Istanbul Technical University, 1997–1998