Dovile Budryte

Dr. Dovile Budryte
Professor of Political Science
Dovile Budrytė, Ph.D, is a professor of political science at Georgia Gwinnett College, and she works on the EUROPAST project at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University. Her research interests include memory politics, trauma, nationalism and gender studies. Her publications include articles on various topics related to minority rights and memory politics, one authored and five co-edited books, including Memory and Trauma in International Relations: Theories, Cases and Debates (co-editor Erica Resende), and Defending Memory in Global Politics: Mnemonical In/Security and Crisis (co-editors Erica Resende and Doug Becker, forthcoming in 2024). In 2015, Budrytė was the recipient of the University System of Georgia Excellence in Teaching Award. In 2022-24, she served as the president of the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies (AABS).
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- Doctorate – international studies – Old Dominion University
- Master of Arts – international studies – Old Dominion University
- Bachelor of Arts – communications – Walsh University
- Studies in Journalism – Vilnius University, Lithuania
Academic Interests
- Gender studies
- Memory politics
- Memory and trauma in international relations
- Eastern Europe
- Baltic studies
Publications include articles on gender issues, minority rights and democratization in the Baltic states and five books. The list also includes editing special issues, invited talks and several webinar recordings.
- Defending Memory in Global Politics: Mnemonical In/Security and Crisis (eds. Erica Resende, Dovilė Budrytė, Douglas Becker, 2025, Routledge).
- Crisis and Change in Post-Cold War Global Politics: Ukraine in a Comparative Perspective (eds. Erica Resende, Dovile Budrytė, and Didem Buhari-Gulmez, 2018, Palgrave Macmillan).
- Engaging Difference: Teaching Humanities and Social Science in Multicultural Environments (co-edited with Scott A. Boykin, 2017).
- Memory and Trauma in International Relations: Theories, Cases and Debates (co-edited with Erica Resende, 2013).
- Feminist Conversations: Women, Trauma and Empowerment in Post-Authoritarian Societies (co-edited with Lisa M. Vaughn and Natalya T. Riegg, 2009).
- Taming Nationalism? Political Community Building in the Post-Soviet Baltic States (2005).
Recent Publications
- “No Peace without Justice? Two Perspectives on Historical Justice after Genocide,” Peacebuilding, published online on July 25, 2024.
- “Seeking Support for Ukraine in the 'Global South': Past and Future Interactions,” Forum for Ukrainian Studies 14 December (2023).
- “‘A Decolonizing Moment of Sorts’: The Baltic States’ Vicarious Identification with Ukraine and Related Domestic and Foreign Policy Developments,” Central European Journal for International and Security Studies, Scopus, 17, no. 4 (2023).
- “Conceptualizing the New ‘Turns’: Two Handbooks on Memory in International Politics,” International Affairs 99, no. 6 (2023): 2506-8.
- "Mnemonic Conflicts and Cooperation in Memory Politics: Development of Narratives about Historical Traumas in Lithuania after 1991,” Parliamentary Studies, No. 32 (2022), published online on May 31, 2023.
- “COVID-19 as a Collective Trauma in Global Politics: Disruption, Destruction and Resilience” (editorial, with Erica Resende), Societies, Scopus, vol. 13, no. 5.
- “From Transnational to Local Remembrance: European Roma Genocide Memory and the Commemoration of Samudaripen in Lithuania,” Holocaust Studies, Scopus, published online November 1, 2022.
- “Activist Memory and Human Rights: The Commemoration of the Roma Genocide in Lithuania,” Darbai ir Dienos (Days and Deeds, published by Vytautas Magnus University), vol. 77, pp. 123-44.
- “The Complexity of Memory after communism: Multiple Actors, Multiple Memories?,” an essay for a book forum in Shofar, vol. 40, no. 1, 2022, pp. 171-6.
- “Cultural Diplomacy Taming Resurgent Mnemonic Conflicts and Anxieties: Crimean Tatar and Lithuanian American Diasporas” (with Didem Buhari-Gulmez), Uluslararasi Iliskiler (International Relations), vol. 19, issue 73, April 2022, pp. 17-32.
- “Gender, War, and Remembrance: ‘Points of Memory’ in the Narratives of Women Participants in the Partisan War in Lithuania” (in Lithuanian), Lietuvos Etnologija, 32 (30), 2021, pp. 127-48.
- Budrytė, D. "Memory politics and the study of crises in International Relations: insights from Ukraine and Lithuania." Journal of International Relations and Development (2021).
- “Deportation and Gulag as Gendered Processes,” in The Routledge International Handbook of Gender in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia, edited by Katalin Fábián, Janet Elise Johnson, and Mara Lazda, Routledge, July 2021, Chapter 31.
- “Feminist Approaches and Intersectionality in Teaching IR,” in Teaching International Relations, edited by James M. Scott et al., Edward Elgar, August 2021.
Invited Talks
- Invited speaker, “Activist Memory and Minority Rights: Commemoration of the Roma Genocide in Lithuania and Related Social and Political Developments,” Stanford University, Baltic Studies program, California, May 2024
- Invited speaker, “Feminist Perspectives on the Study of Armed Conflicts and Their Aftermaths: What do Gender Theories Tell us about the Past, Present, and the Future of Warfare?,” Siena College, Albany, New York, March 2024
- Presenter, “Memory at the Service of Imperial War—Imperial War as Catalyst of Mnemonic Decolonization,” workshop “Memory Politics and the Russo-Ukrainian War,” Central European University, Vienna, Austria, February 2024
- Presenter, “‘Critical Situations’ and Mnemonic Legislation: Memory Politics in the Baltic States and Russia's War against Ukraine,” conference “Genocides and Memories: Russia’s War against Ukraine in Comparative Perspective,” sponsored by Georgia Institute of Technology, Emory University, Georgia State University and Georgia Gwinnett College, Atlanta, November 2023
- Keynote speaker, “Gender and Resistance: Insights from Research on the Partisan War in Lithuania,” Baltic Studies Forum, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, online, October 2023
- Presenter, panel “Comparing and Contrasting Different Forms of Oppression: From Apartheid South Africa to the Soviet Union,” Conference “Intersections of Oppressions: Comparative Historical Analysis of Contemporary Challenges" (YouTube), organized by London School of Economics, University of Pretoria, Lithuanian Foreign Ministry, Czech Foreign Ministry and Foreign Ministry of Ukraine, University of Pretoria, October 2023
- Plenary speaker, “A Decolonizing Moment: Vicarious Identification with Ukraine in the Baltic States and Beyond,” 15th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania, June 2023
- Plenary speaker, “A Decolonizing Moment: Lithuania’s Vicarious Identification with Ukraine since 2013/14,” National Technical University of Ukraine in Kyiv, 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference on war, online, June 2023
- Guest lecturer, “Vicarious Identification and Traumatic Memories: The Baltic Response to the War in Ukraine,” University of Amsterdam, online, May 2023
- Guest lecturer, “ ‘A Decolonizing Moment of Sorts’: Historical Memory and Baltic Support for Ukraine,” course “Bloodlands,” National Geospatial-Intelligence College, online, December 2022, May 2023, June 2023
- Presenter, “ ‘A Decolonizing Moment of Sorts’: Who in Central Eastern Europe Supports Ukraine and Why,” 2023 Ukraine Series, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, April 2023
- Presenter, “From Partisan Warfare to Memory Battlefields: Women’s Stories about the Second World War and Its Aftermath in Lithuania,” Colgate University, Hamilton, NY, April 2023
- Presenter, “Construction of the Holocaust Memories in Lithuania: Mnemonic Conflicts and Mnemonic Cooperation,” conference “Addressing the Past—Shaping the Future: Memory Politics in Europe and Canada,” University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada, October 2022
- Presenter, “ ‘A Decolonizing Moment of Sorts’: Who Supports Ukraine in Central Eastern Europe and Why,” University of Texas at San Antonio Department of Political Science and Geography Speaker Series, online, October 2022
- Presenter, “Construction of the Holocaust Memories in Lithuania: Mnemonic Conflicts and Mnemonic Cooperation,” International Conference “Reworking the Trauma: Research on Roma and the Jews in the Baltics and USA,” National Martynas Mažvydas library (Lithuania), online, September 2022
- Keynote speaker, “Feminist Perspectives on the Study of Armed Conflicts and their Aftermaths: What Do Gender Theories Tell Us about the Past, Present and the Future of Warfare,” 10th International and Scientific Conference “From Weber to Wallerstein: Historical Sociology of States and World Systems,” Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, June 2022 (online)
- Presenter, Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies (AABS) Presidential Plenary: "Russian-Ukrainian war," Baltic Studies at a Crossroads: The 28th Conference on Baltic Studies, University of Washington in Seattle, May 2022
- "Gender, War and Remembrance: Memory Activism and ‘Points of Memory’ in the Narratives of Women Participants of War in Lithuania," Vilnius University Faculty of Communication, April 2022 (online)
- “Deportations and Gulag as Gendered Processes: Insights from Eastern Europe” (in Lithuanian), Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University, March 2022 (online)
- “Gender, War, and Remembrance: ‘Points of Memory’ in the Narratives of Women Participants in the Partisan War (1944-53) in Lithuania,” Gender and Transformation in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia Workshop, CUNY European Union Center/Graduate Center, January 2022 (online)
- “Transitional Justice in 2022: The Case of Lithuania,” Human Rights Webinar Series 2022, Taiwan NextGen Foundation, January 2022
- “From Partisan Warfare to Memory Battlefields: Two Women’s Stories about World War II and Its Aftermath in Lithuania,” Annual Lithuania Program Lecture, Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies, Miami University (Ohio), October 2021.
- In March 2020, she gave an invited talk “Why Do Traumas Matter in International Relations? Memory Politics and the Study of Crises” during an international conference “Dealing with the Trauma of an Undigested Past” organized by the Foreign Ministry of Lithuania and Sakharov Center at Vytautas Magnus University.
Special Issue Editing and Peer-reviewed Articles
- Memory Activism between Values and Interests: Monuments, Museums and Institutions, co-edited with Thomas Colvin and Violeta Davoliūtė. Politologija, a peer reviewed open access journal, Scopus, 112, no. 4 (2024).
- Covid-19 as Collective Trauma in Global Politics: Disruption, Destruction and Resilience (with Erica Resende), Societies, a peer reviewed open access journal, Scopus.
- In 2020, together with Erica Resende and Douglas Becker, she co-edited a special issue of Interdisciplinary Political Studies on memory and politics and wrote the introductory essay.
- Recently, she published articles in peer-reviewed special issues of The Journal of Baltic Studies, Gender and History, Humanities and co-edited a special issue of Ethnicity Studies on transnational memory. Her current research agenda is reflected in a recent essay published in E-International Relations.
Recorded Webinar
- On June 7, 2024, MEMOCRACY project organized the webinar "Memory Landscapes between Eastern Europe and the Global South(s)." The global fallout from Russia’s 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine has revealed contested memories of imperialism, colonialism and oppression in different parts of the world. For Ukrainians and other peoples of the former Soviet space, Russia’s invasion constitutes imperial and colonial expansion by a revanchist hegemon who never came to terms with the collapse of the 20th century’s ‘last empire’. At the same time, some Global South actors view Russian actions on the global stage through an anti-imperialist and anti-colonial lens, echoing the Soviet Union’s struggle against Western powers during the Cold War. While the latter perspective effaces the Soviets’ subjugation of peoples across Eastern Europe and central Asia, Eastern Europeans’ fragmentary understanding of Western rule across the Global South generates misunderstandings and missed opportunities in their mutual relations.
- In 2016, she recorded a webinar for the University System of Georgia Faculty Development Monthly Series on the use of the intersectionality concept in teaching political science. Budryte has delivered invited talks at various colleges and universities internationally, including Florida International University, University of Cincinnati, University of Latvia, Vilnius University (Institute of International Relations and Political Science), Warsaw University, The National Technical University of Ukraine and the University of Tennessee in Knoxville (Center for The Study of War and Society).
- Elected to serve on the AABS (Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies) Board of Directors:
- President, 2022-24
- President-elect, 2020-2022
- Vice president for publications, 2018-2020 and 2016-2018
- Award for Excellence as a Senior Faculty Member, School of Liberal Arts, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2022
- University System of Georgia Regents’ Teaching Excellence Award, FY 2015
- Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2014
- Ann Austin Johnston Outstanding Faculty Member Award (the highest award for teaching at Brenau University), 2004
- Greek Council Faculty Member of the Year (the highest award for campus service and teaching at Brenau University; selected by students), 2004