Jeff Pasley

Dr. Jeff Pasley
Professor of Exercise Science
Dr. Jeff Pasley earned his bachelor’s in psychology from Ohio University, master of science in exercise and sports sciences from the University of Florida and doctoral degree from the University of Georgia. Pasley completed postdoctoral stints in research at the University of Georgia (one year) and the University of Minnesota Duluth Medical School (three years) where he was a postdoctoral scholar through the NIH Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award (IRACDA).
His research work has focused on better understanding pain in numerous contexts (muscle pain, effects of sweet taste on pain, chronic pain – fibromyalgia) and the effects of exercise on mental health. More recently he has focused his research on improving student success in anatomy and physiology and postural sway for the assessment in return to work or play following concussion in multiple student projects. Interested students for STEC 4500 research projects should contact Pasley by email.
He teaches anatomy and physiology, exercise and sport psychology, exercise physiology, and research methods among others in exercise science. Pasley is passionate about mentoring students to assist them in living their dreams.
Currently, he lives in Athens with his wife and son and enjoys live music and visiting the Golden Isles of Georgia.
- Doctorate – exercise science – University of Georgia
- Master's – exercise science – University of Florida
- Bachelor's – psychology – Ohio University
Academic Interests
- Delayed onset muscle soreness and musculoskeletal pain
- Psychological and nociceptive consequences of exercise
- Psychophysiological and pain measurement
- Mentoring
Recent Publications
- Doan, B., Pasley, J., Williams, J. and Tolbert, T. (2023) Time of day and athlete status effects on the modified clinical test of sensory integration and balance (mCTSIB) and stability evaluation test (SET). Journal: Gait & Posture, 106, 42-46.
- Pasley, J., Perell-Gerson, K., Crabbe, J., and Hanson, C. (2020). Using student-faculty contracts and self monitoring to increase student success in Anatomy and Physiology I (PDF). Gardner Institute Gateways to Completion (G2C) Case Study Anthology.
- Pardo, J.V., Larson, R.C., Spencer, R.J., Lee, J.T., Pasley, J.D., Torkelson, C.J., and Larson, A.A. (2019) Exposure to cold unmasks potential clinical biomarkers of fibromyalgia syndrome reflecting insufficient sympathetic responses to stress. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 35(5):407–419.
*indicates GGC undergraduate co-authors
- Doan, B., Pasley, J., McCullough, K.*, Fulgham, A.*, Harris, Z.*, and Griffin, S.* (February, 2023) A double-blind, placebo-controlled assessment of the influence of caffeine on static balance in healthy adults. Annual Meeting, Southeast American College of Sports Medicine (SEACSM), Greenville, SC.
- Doan, B., Derby, A.*, Cherian, C.*, and Pasley, J. (July, 2022). Static balance in collegiate softball athletes compared to non-athlete female students. Annual Meeting, National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), New Orleans, LA.
- Perell-Gerson, K., Pasley, J., Hanson, C., Wludyga, J. (January, 2022). Student perceptions of behavior change intervention in anatomy & physiology. Presentation at the Georgia Gwinnett College Teaching, Learning, and Research Symposium 2022, Lawrenceville, GA.
- Pasley, J. (March, 2020). Using student-faculty contracts and self monitoring to increase student success in Anatomy and Physiology I. 2020 Gateway Course Experience Conference, Chicago, IL. Cancelled due to Covid-19
- Doan, B., Carrigan, K.*, Camp, S.*, and Pasley, J. (May, 2019). Diurnal variation influence on the modified test of sensory integration and balance (mCTSIB). Annual Meeting, American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Orlando, FL.
- Pasley, J., Camp, S.*, Carrigan, K.*, and Doan, B. (May, 2019). Time-of-day influence on the stability evaluation test (SET). Annual Meeting, American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Orlando, FL.
- Doan, B., & Pasley, J., Rodriquez, T.*, and Valencia, K.* (July, 2018). Time-of-day influence on the stability evaluation test in college-age women. American Academy of Neurology Sports Concussion Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
- Larson, A., Pasley, J., Pardo, J., Lee, J., and Larson, R. (September, 2017). Fibromyalgia syndrome: altered sympathetic responses to cold stress. 10th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC, Pain In Europe X, Copenhaqen, Denmark
- Nominated for the Georgia Gwinnett College Outstanding Teaching Award for 2022-2023
- Nominated for the Georgia Gwinnett College Outstanding Teaching Award for 2021-2022
- Nominated for the Georgia Gwinnett College Outstanding Teaching Award for 2020-2021
- Nominated for the Georgia Gwinnett College Outstanding Teaching Award for 2018-2019
- Recipient of the University of Georgia Department of Kinesiology Clifford Grey Lewis Financial Assistance Award, recognizing students preparing to become teachers in need of financial assistance to continue their education, Summer 2007
- Recipient of the University of Florida College of Health and Human Performance Norma M. Leavitt Graduate Scholarship, recognizing the graduate student of outstanding character with a strong commitment to serve his or her profession, 1997